Rift Point List

Al'khandriis Alyan (Strange Liquids), Alarin, Quickblade
Assassin Levee Looran
Atalia Jonas the Smith (Weapon-Shop), Malus (Tailor-Shop), Jacobus (Slaughterhouse)
Black Harbour Thlai (Killer Whale Bar), Scrick (White Whale Inn)
Cave of Ulgo Zealot, Ulgo
Darkheim Inken
Desert Castle Rooster, Employee, Joseph
Downtown Warmaster, Foodmistress
Draconia Deallus (In the Library), Camaris (Draconian King), Danidra (Draconian Queen)
Dwarven Kingdom ---
Elven castle ---
Fanhir Mara Thom (On the Market), Val (BarkeeperBarkeeBarper), Abe (On the Market)
Friesgard Arthur the dog
Fukushu Village Akimitsu Yamada, Saru Mori (Temple)
Grassy Lands Fortorius (Mage Guild)
High Tower of Sorcery ---
Icy Plains (Northpole) Hercules
Iaitanto Island Gyufunito, Sakamono
Innsmouth Jink (Killing Moon Inn), Stimp (Mail Office), Coerlean (Mystics & Magic), Fistcish (General Goods)
Isle of Trees ---
Isle of Vice (Oceania) Terror (High Priest of Terror/Grand Dragon of Terror)
Kerofk Leonna (mage-guild), Jenk (Jenk's Palace), Singing Guy
Mahn-Tor Belrak, Nasturn, Sumaron, Darkoth etc.
Man's End Vegetaria
Maze of Moonglow Riki
Midgaard Juan (Juan's Eatery), Filthy (Filthy's Grubby Inn), Wally (Ye Old Water Shoppe)
Moonglow Gogh (Old Map-Shop), Tiffany (Treasure Shop), Lin-Ta, Pedro (Mexican Food)
Ofcol Diana, Brian, Jim (The Blacksmith)
Olymp ---
Pirate Lair under Moonglow Red-Eye
Pyramid Ali Baba, Androsphinx, Gynosphinx
Riva Dorjan Frezton, Cotteneye Joe, Shermal Geldum
Rome O.J. Simpson (Court)
Rodjohn's Settlement Anton
Saliran Valley Celtic, Saliran Ran
Serwood Village Goons, Gesh, Idefit
Shire Toddler, Chic, Thain
Skavenblight Squeek Headtaker (Warlord)
Temple of Mitra (near Black Harbour) Santemptas Hosvenatur
Thalos ---
Troll Vale ---
Vale of Aldur Polgara (small cottage), Belgarath, Grador (Small hut), Goth (Apartments in Vale)
Walhalla Walkure (?)