Map of Skavenblight

                 Dark sewage tunnel under Kerofk
             PYS---BHW---GPS---GPS    HPT    GPR---GPR---BaHW---PYR
              |     |     |     |      |      |     |      |     |
              |     |     |     |      |      |     |      |     |
             PYS---BHW   GPS---ECS    HPT    ECR---GPR   BaHW---PYR
                    |           |      |      |                  |
                    |           |      |      |           BR---PCWSH
                  PCGST---SR   DOC----DOC----DOC                     DC
                                |             |                       |
                                |       /     |                       |     
BT-----CBC-----CBC-----CBC-----DOC    THR    DOC-----CCP-----CCP-----CCP----DST under Ofcol 
|                               |      |      |                       |         
|                               |      |      |                       |
|                 PCDS---PoR   DOC----POC----DOC    PR---PCLS        DC
|                   |           |      |      |           |
DT                  |           |      |      |           |
 \           PYE---SHW   GPE---ECE    YFT    ECP---GPP   DHW---PYP
  \           |     |     |     |      |      |     |     |     |
   \          |     |     |     |      |      |     |     |     |
    \        PYE---SHW---GPE---GPE    YFT    GPP---GPP---DHW---PYP
     DT                                |
       \                               |
        \                      EFC----YFT
         \                      |      |
          \                     |      |
           DT          EndFC----FC    YFT
             \                         |
              \                        |
               \                       DT
                \                      |
                 DT                    |
                   \                   DT
                    \                  |
                     |                 |
                     |           DT----DT
                     |           |  
                     |           | /(up)
     UIOLH----DT----CDT          ST under Moonglow
       |             |           |
       |             |           |
       DT            BT----DT----DT
       |             |
       |             |
       DT            DT
       |             |
       |             |
      CDT----DT----DST under Assassin Fortress

YFT - Yellow fang tunnel               POC - Pillar of corruption
CDT - Corner in the dark tunnel        EFC - Entrance to the fungi cavern
DT  - Dark tunnel                      DOC - Den of corruption
FC  - The fungi cavern               EndFC - End of the fungi cavern
THR - Temple of the horned rat         ECP - Entrance to Clan Pestilence
GPP - Guard post of Clan Pestilence    CCP - Cripple claw passage
DHW - Defiled hallway                 PCLS - Private chamber of Lord Skrolk
 PR - Plague room                      PYP - Practice yard of Clan Pestilence
ECR - Entrance to Clan Rictus          CBC - Crookback cave
HPT - Hellpit tunnel                   ESC - Entrance to Clan Skryre
GPS - Guard post of Clan Skryre        PYS - Practice yard of Clan Skryre
BHW - Bewitched hallway                 SR - Summoning room 
GPE - Guard post of Clan Eshin         ECE - Entrance to Clan Eshin
DC  - Dark cave                        BIT - A bent in the tunnel
GPR - Guard post Clan Rictus          BaHW - Battered hallway
PYR - Practice yard of Clan Rictus      BR - Battle room
PoR - Poison Room                      SHW - Shadowed hallway
PYE - Practice yard of Clan Eshin     PCDS - Private chamber of Deathmaster Snikch
PCWSH - Private chamber of Warlord Sqeek Headtaker
PCGST - Private chamber of Grey Seer Thanquol