**NEW FOR 1.0b**
>Fixed beautymark in learningdetection
>Fixed stuff your char couldn't do and rominator did it or let you try anyway.
>Fixed crithit trigger, it used to count *any* crit (also other ppl's)
>Fixed detection at config to detect/find/disarm/destroy traps
>Fixed detection of learning to detect/find/disarm/destroy traps
>Fixed buttons at new mud-session, no need to reclick them etc.
>Fixed loading/saving settings
>Fixed stuff i screwed in 0.92
>Fixed the recast speedloss, note: Does not recast spells that were cast through mud alias (will do so for zmud alias)
>Fixed Rescue-Mode, not turning off after resurrect, misfire on resurrect
>Fixed Rescue-Mode, now overcomes spellfail.
>Fixed Rescue-Mode, no button when nothing pracced
>Fixed Rescue-Mode, not trying to bandage when not pracced, chooses best option.
>Fixed a sound (at fountains) that didnt play
>Fixed group-say capturing..seems there is a glitch in rom-code
>Added Aid & WizEye to spellup & recast-after-fight
>Added option to assist on almost all attacks (not recommended to use though)
>Added 'get all.gold all.corpse, and sackking all corpses in sight' (autodisable)
>Added alias to save a player (manually start rescue sequence)
>Added stuff to cast spells that drop during combat
>Added triggers to pick up alchemy-ingredients
>Added option to turn of both autokick and autobash
>Now constantly checks if character is order-member, no need for reconfig
>Changed gossip's etc. choice for own strings or default, when using own strings, option to make a random-greeting gossip.
>Changed logging to put all in one file (I had my zmud dir filled with txt-files fast ;))
>Changed AutoKick/Bash, can choose to do neither now. (not just a toggle anymore)
>Now autosaves zmud settings, rominator settings & statistics every 2 minutes
>Deleted the internal help..now in html

**NEW FOR 0.92**
> Okay! deleted the 'not worthy' :(
> spellrecasting! (this is *major* speedloss)
> opening doors now also works when not using keypad
> fixed summon/nosummon spamming at login
> fixed summon/nosummon detect at config/reconfig
> duh...now vamps dont cast food and water :)
> Critical hits now in statistics too
> crit/kill rate in statistics
> each character's stats and settings are stored in file after renting
> each character's settings are automatically loaded at logon
> this basically means, no more loss of stats...no more reconfigurating
> Option for logging of communication, osay,gossip,tell,talk,reply,ask,gsay is written to a file. (want more? then we add fsay staymortal, chevalier, outlaw, whatever)
> btw...statistics AND log file are in zmud directory with names like: vincent-01-04-99.txt and vincent-statistics.txt

**NEW FOR 0.91**
> Fixed disguise, fixed gagging
> Fixed Rescue a bit...still needs more fixed probably
> Fixed Rescue not going off anymore
> Fixed some sounds that didnt play
> Finally! fixed an event that would interrupt the musicloop :)
> Fixed detection in or out of group
> Fixed some minor stuff
> Now puts sumprot button in right state after login (not nice, but works)
> Changed the now irritating emotes...a bit less frequent now ;)
> Added the Statistics display!
> Fixed...again...the reconfigure-reset

**NEW FOR 0.90**
actually not released..since i didnt have much time for online-testing the bugs I got bored and added the statistics thing so 0.90 flowed into 0.91 :)

**NEW FOR 0.90a**
>disguise-toggle (on/off, no shit) (some gagged, some not)
>auto-summon,bandage,resurrection (with different set for NO members)
>lots of bugfixes...look on website for a list of some of them...
i dont feel like typing extra for bugs...(which i'm doing right now)
>DS-speedwalks added (in aliases)
>All speedwalks linked thru menu (though throden mentioned i made some errors)
>vamp's dont do anything wrong anymore when they hungry (also nothing right btw)
>new char is now scanned for sumprot on/off....char is checked for prot on/off on login
>added some display of charstats (exp tnl, exp gained since login, name, lev, class, critical kicks, kills)
>sound/music added for: forest, pirate ship, ocean, oceanwind ...hmm.. .dunno...ahh...some kick sounds
>sound button is no toggle anymore but multistate soundoff/ soundon/ musicon/ music&soundon
>(for 0.88 users...new users dont read) the 'not worthy' fires once and then deletes :)) aint i sweet?
>sees what order you are in and captures osay to comm-window (or was this in 0.88 too?)
>deleted the timed emotes which were silly for chars not troll/warrior ;)
i made timed emote for all classes now...class is detected...send in nice emotes :)
>picks up gold
>Communication color changed! ;)   (i personally *did* like the blue combo)
>wont try autosplit now when not grouped
>added more variables...nothing special you say...wrong! 101(not kidding) variables can be of veryvery much use to any stuff that might get in later :)
f.ex, rominator detects align since ver. 0.68 or so...but i still dont do anything more but coloring the words :)  ....so.... say at one point a DB is linked...then the align comes in handy....autopick best eq to wear :)

**NEW FOR 0.89**
not released
>cant remember

**NEW FOR 0.88**
>do you still care? hm..actually first rominator that i put on website...i think

**NEW FOR 0.60
>decided to just make the definitive script out of it, so took stuff
from my own file that was important and added that..also started using
it by default.

**NEW FOR 0.50**
>hey! i deleted the bot here :)    (and moved on to character detection)
actually kind off pity, since a simple modification would make this bot
map the entire realm >:)
>bot was gone, so also renamed the thing to RoMinator

**NEW FOR 0.40**
>kept walking with ANY char under ANY circumstance
(character detection)

**NEW FOR 0.30**
>kept walking (and i mean forever)

**NEW FOR 0.20**
>added stuff to keep it walking

**NEW FOR 0.01**
>rolled a dice, walked a random direction
>DiceMan was born :)

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