zMUD is, was and will be the idea and work of Zugg. *worship*
RoMinator is, was and will be the idea and work of Vincent. *pat*

Demon Space speedwalks donated to me by Joven.

Wav's & midi's ripped from various games ranging from old-MSX-games to Carmageddon..etc..

Thanks go to (in no particular order):

Bill Gates, for not being female.

Bryont, for getting a domain-name :)

The Immortals who gave me free levels >:)

Throden a.k.a. Deathlock, without his lacking knowledge of zmud I would have missed out on a lot of bugs ;)

Saracen, for generally a lot of feedback and especially for not slapping me >:) ......well....ok......once

And ofcourse, everyone else for being nice enough to me to keep me spending time putting in new bugs ;)

All copyrights and blahblah to everyone...
Keep your hands off my stuff proclaiming you did it!

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