The Key Collection

Here is a large and hopefully one day complete list of keys in the Realm.

These areas contain no keys: Isle of Trees, Lemuria, Ofcol, Troll City

Click on a name to jump to that section:

Midgaard Moonglow Orcland Do'khania
Innsmouth Rome Kerofk Obelisk
Atalia Elven Kingdom Grassy lands Rivan Citadel
Segunda Vampire Castle Olympus Iaitanto
Mahn Tor High Tower of Sorcery Draconia Downtown
Icy Village Winddancer Monastery Cave City Xanth
Southpole Rainbbow Warrior Vice Island



Northern Midgaard Main City
a golden key Shopkeeper Treasure shop opens the Treasury
Southern part of Midgaard
a key carried by the Sexton park cafe midgaard opens grate to graveyard
a key carried by the Chief Guard (17) Cityguard Headquarter Midgaard opens desk
a key in the desk Cityguard Headquarter Midgaard opens safe
the City Key worn by the Mayor in The Mayor's Office (or wandering around) City Gates
a key carried by the Cityguard wandering around  
Midgaard Graveyard
key to the coffin worn by the guardian vampire in Den of the Vampire opens the coffin
a queerly shaped rod in a hidden compartment in the room in The Lower Chambers and Tombs of the Undead  
a heavy iron key worn by the spirit of King Crotus in The Tomb of Crotus  
a large black dirty key worn by Snapper Joe wandering around in lower chambers  
a silver key carried by the priest in Inside the Chapel opens the Altar
Amulet of the Moon Goddess Captain of the Guard Town Hall Opens portal to Tower of Moon Goddess
Moonglow Underground
a black marble key Carried by Moglum Catacombs Opens trapdoor to pirates
a prison key worn by a prison-guard   opens prison cell
a library key carried by Rutherford in The Library opens trapdoor up to library
the library key carried by the librarian guard in An Underground Way opens door to Library
Moonglow Pirates
a bone key worn by a pirate guard in The Pirate Chambers opens Pirate-shop
a golden key worn by a pirate guard in The Pirate Chambers opens door to Guildmaster
Moonglow Tower of Moon Goddess
a dark blue stone key carried by a forgotten prisoner in A Forgotten Prison Cell (cell 1) opens prison cell 2
a blood red stone key carried by ghost of a worshipper of the MoonGoddess in A Dead End opens prison cell 1
a small key in a tree in Forest opens safe in Chieftain's chamber
a hall key carried by a Deep One Guardian in Tunnel before large doors opens door to temple
a storage key carried by Pintak the Storage-Keeper wandering around Storage Room
a citygate-key carried by a gatekeeper in Citygate at Lafayette Street opens citygate
an aquamarine key carried by the senator in The Senate Chambers The House of Commons
a diamond studded key carried by the master scheduler in The Waiting Room The Emperor's Private Office
a key with a pearl handle carried by the master scheduler in The Waiting Room The Senate Chambers
an opal key carried by Froboz's shopkeeper in The Mage's Shop  
a steel key - in The Courtroom Judge's Chambers
a Skull Key carried by Froboz in Froboz's Workshop opens Skull Gate to Sodom
a double sided key carried by Titus's shopkeeper in Swords 'R Us The Back Room
a rusted key carried by the Nobleman in Caesar's Private Box  
a blank key carried by the Beggar in Moon Gate Road, East can lock door to Seobagn
a jailer's key carried by the Jailor in Jailor's Room opens cells
a guild key worn by Leonna in Leonna's Office opens doors in Mage Guild
a safe key carried by the bank director in Bank of Atalia opens safe
a gatekey carried by the gatekeeper in Place before the Southern Gate opens the city gate
Elven Kingdom
a crimson steel key worn by the guard of the cave in Guardroom of the Cave  
a small silver key - in A Hidden Alcove opens cupboard
Grassy lands
the Vaultkey worn by King Knut in The King's Throne opens treasure vault
Segunda (Dark Mountains / Land of Black Death)
Key to the Holy City worn ba a Kifiri cityguard in Outside the Walls opens door to Segunda
Dark Castle (a.k.a. Vampire castle)
a bloody key in a corpse in Crawling among the corpses opens way to Dracul
a jade key in barrel in Room stuffed with barrels opens the secret in The Cellar
an ivory key with bloodstains (3x) worn by a vampire guard in The Guard's House (or wandering around) opens the gate to Dark Castle
a key made out of gems in a stack of pillows in The King‘s chambers opens treasure-chest of the king
a Cell key carried by the Jailer in Dungeon opens the three doors in northern part dungeon
the keep key carried by the Minotaur Gatekeeper in Before the Keep of Mahn-Tor opens gate to Mahn-Tor
a runed key worn by the Elite Minotaur Guard in The secret hallway opens door to Mahn-Tor's private chambers
a multi-colored key ring worn by the Minotaur Ring-Keeper in The Guard Post holds the keys below
a grey key in a multi-colored key ring in The Guard Post opens door to Dorgar
a green key in a multi-colored key ring in The Guard Post opens door to Nasturn
a maroon key in a multi-colored key ring in The Guard Post opens door to Amyrok
a yellow key in a multi-colored key ring in The Guard Post opens door to Sumaron
a white key in a multi-colored key ring in The Guard Post opens door to Tyrgoth
a black key in a multi-colored key ring in The Guard Post opens door to Darkoth
a brown key in a multi-colored key ring in The Guard Post can lock door to Belrak
a red key in a multi-colored key ring in The Guard Post opens door to Gorak
High Tower of Sorcery
a tiny brass key worn by a ball of fire in In the Chamber of the Fire Master opens door to Grand Mistress
a tiny brass key worn by the Test Master in In the Hall of the Tests opens door to Grand Mistress
a tiny brass key in a desk in A Private Study opens door to Grand Mistress
an intricately carved key worn by the Grand Mistress in In the Presence of the Grand Mistress open the treasury of the Grand Mistress
a black key carried by the master of the black robes in In the Inner Sanctum ?
a sturdy wooden key worn by the Enchanter in The Master Enchanter‘s Chamber opens chest
a silvery key worn by the master spell binder in The Master Spellbinder's Chamber opens the two cabinets at ‚The Spellbinder‘s Cache‘
an agylan key worn by Arawen in Silveroak Alley (or wandering around) opens the two gates to Jou’moyii Forest
Rivan Citadel
an Iron Key carried by a desk guard in Guard Post opens door to the prison
a bony key worn by a green slime monster in The Guardian opens door to test route, part 2
a platinum key worn by a thief in The Test Route, part 2 opens door
a golden crown lies on the floor in A dead end in the tunnel opens door at ‚Before the Thieves Test Route‘
a golden sceptre lies on the floor in A tiny ledge opens door after crown
a golden orb worn by a dumb merchant in The Room of the Trader opens door after scepter
a tiny key carried by a burglar in wandering around in test route ?
an iron key worn by a strong guard in Guard’s chamber #2 opens door to Test Route
adark key in a coffin in Room of the vampire opens door to ‚Guard’s chamber #2‘
a black strange looking key in an ancient vitrine in The storeroom of the vampire opens hatch in ‚A large, dark room‘
the case key (3x) worn bye a treasure guard in A large, dark room open the three show-cases
a strange key carried by the evil Shishi in Antechamber of the academy’s inner sanctum opens door
the cage key carried by Bukimono in In the training hall opens cage
an iron key carried by Fujitaka in Before a massive wooden door opens door
a black key carried by Tensui in Before a massive bronze gate opens gate
a crystal key worn by Guzenkagemono in Gates of the Shrine of Iaitanto opens gate
an iron fingernail worn by Bakaguzen in Haunted Cavern opens doors
a rune key carried by the shikome-shaman in Cave of evil magicks ?
a platinum key carried by the Ancient Green Dragon in THE Lair opens door at ‚The top of the mountain‘
a tarnished gold key carried by a Fire Dragon in Lair opens door to ‚THE Lair‘
a ruby key carried by Camaris in The Court Ends opens door in ‚The Treasure Room‘
a black key carried by a concubine in Hall O‘ Pleasure can open door e in ‚The Court‘
a white key carried by a concubine in Hall O‘ Pleasure can open door w in ‚The Court‘
a grey key carried by a large hydra in Guardian’s Room opens door
a steel key carried by a dragon hatchling in The Tower Gates opens gate
a silvery key in a heap of wood in Below the high tower opens door to Downtown
a big icicle worn by a polar bear in The Snow-filled Land (1s of Hardpack) opens secret at ‚The Gnome Outpost‘
golden key carried by a gnome priest in The Little Temple opens door at ‚The Great Door‘
small key carried by Gabriel the Keeper in The room of the keeper opens door
Vice Island/Oceania
a tiny key lies on the floor in Outlay opens door at Outlay
a transparent glass key worn by the butcher in Dressing Room ?
a redwood key carried by a wailing ghost in Creepy Hallway opens door e at ‚Strangely shaped hallway‘
a cellkey worn by the Priest of Fear in Office of the High Priest of Fear opens door s at ‚Strangely shaped hallway‘
a stone key worn by a fat harem master in Harem opens door at ‚Trophy Room‘
a stone key worn by A stone statue in Before the Tower Gates opens gate
a stone key worn by a door guard in A Bright Hallway opens door w
a stone key worn by a door guard in A Bright Hallway opens door e
a stone key

worn by a door guard

in A Well Lit Hallway opens door w
a stone key worn by a door guard in A Well Lit Hallway opens door e
a black marble key worn by Mariss in Hallway in the Cellar opens doors w and e
a black marble key worn by Hariss in Hallway in the Cellar opens doors w and e
Icy Village
the crystal key worn by a crystal golem in Entrance of the Crystal-Palace opens gate
Winddancer Monastery
a Snowcrystal worn by Master Winddancer in Down in the crevasse opens wall
the rusty key worn by the old helpless man in The hidden room opens portal at ‚Before the Portal‘
moon-key lies on the floor in Donation pit opens door at ‚Crossing of the dark moon‘
the Symbol of the Holy Wind worn by the faithful guardian of the Wind in The entrance hall of the monastery opens altar at ‚The Altar of the WindGods‘
Rubbish worn by a Winddancer in The monks tract opens secret at ‚A clerical booth‘
Cave City
a small iron key carried by a watchman in A watchroom opens the four celldoors
a large grey steel key carried by a city guard in On a platform opens gate
a large grey steel key carried by a city guard in Entrance hall opens gate
a small golden key

carried by the guard

in A hall opens gate
a small wooden key carried by the advisor in A bureau opens cabinet
a black key carried by the butcher in Large hall opens trapdoor
a black key carried by slurping beast in The food store opens trapdoor at ‚Large hall‘