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Sorted alphabetical

Barmaid 5
Beggar 1
Bungle Fleecem 14
Captain of the Guard 25
Citizen 9
Citizen of Kerofk 8
Council Guard 23
Council member 15
Drunk person 4
Gateguard 15
Gothar 40
Jailor 10
Kara-Tar 40
Kervin 25
Lawyer 14
Leonna 20
Lucky gambler 12
Mayor Kell 2
Militia Guard 13
Mouserider 1
Mylneh 10
Rafail Staubsleager 40
Secretary 24
Sergeant 23
Singing guy 10
Unlucky gambler 12




Sorted by level

Beggar 1
Mouserider 1
Mayor Kell 2
Drunk person 4
Barmaid 5
Citizen of Kerofk 8
Citizen 9
Signing guy 10
Jailor 10
Mylneh 10
Lucky gambler 12
Unlucky gambler 12
Militia guard 13
Lawyer 14
Bungle Freecem 14
Gateguard 15
Council member 15
Leonna 20
Council guard 23
Sergeant 23
Dealer 23
Secretary 24
Captain of the Guard 25
Kervin 25
Gothar 40
Kara-Tar 40
Rafail Staubsleager 40