The Deserted Forest in the Petrified Forest

                        ----- HMB -------------------
                        |      |      |      |      |
                  * -- TLP -- TLP -- SH --- SH --- SH -- *
                        |      |      |      |      |
                       TLP -- TLP -- TLP -- TLP -- TLP -- *
                        |      |      |      |      |
                       TLP -- TLP -- ISV -- TLP -- TLP -- *
                              ISS -- ENV -- FGH
                               \      |
                                DH    |                                               FD --  TPF -- TPF -- CE      r
                              JJS -- NVR -- NIB                                        |      |      |      |      i
       PQ            NDB              |                     AM                 SDM    ELF -- TPF -- SG --- TSG --  v
        |             |               |                      |                  |      |      |      |      |      e
TCR -- SIT -- StT -- MTM ----------- EMP ----------- MSD -- MSD ------- EDV -- OWV -- SR --- SR --- TPF -- TPF --  r
        |                             |               |      |           |      |      |      |      |      |
       TJC                    SFG -- SVR ---- WRB    BCP    AGP  ATS -- ATS -- SLM -- BLF -- PAR --  r  i  v  e  r 
         \                            |         \                 |      |      |             |
         OTR           FSR -- IDS -- SVR -- UHS  NCC            *DT*    TTS -- SAM         to Fanhir

ATS  At a Tiny Stream
AGP  A Grey Pub
AM   A Morgue
BCP  A Bar Called 'The Prospector's'
Bsa  Bend in the small arm
BLF  Before the Lifeless Forest
CE   Concrete Ending
DH   Down in the Hole  !*without proper eq a DT*!
EDV  Entrance to the Deserted Village
ELF  At the Edge of the Lifeless Forest
EMP  An Empty Market Place
ENV  End of Northern Village Road
ESR  End of the Southern Village Road
FD   The Forest Dump
FGH  A Former Guard House
FSR  Former Storage Room
HMB  A Huge Mountainrange Blocking the Way North
IDS  Just Inside the Damaged Shop
ISS  Inside a Semi-Intact Stable
ISV  In Sight of a Village
JJS  Just a Junk of Stones
MSD  Main Street in the Deserted Village
MTM  Main Street Between the Temple and the Marketplace
NCC  In a Nearly Collapsed Cellar
NDB  Anearly Destroyed Building
NIB  A Nearly Intact Building
NVR  Northern Village Road
Osa  On a small arm of the river
OTR  Old Treasure Room of the Temple of Arianka
OWV  On the Way to the Village
PAR  Path Along the River
PQ   Priest's Quarters
SAM  Standing on an Almost Lifeless Meadow
SDM  Standing on a Desolate Meadow
SFG  Standing in a Formerly Glorious House
SG   The Stone Giants
SH   Stony Hills
SIT  Standing Inside the Temple
SLM  Standing on a Lifeless Meadow
SR   Stone Rubble
StT  Steps towards the Temple
SVR  Southern Village Road
TCR  The Ceremony Room
TJC  The Judgement Chamber
TLP  The Lifeless Plain
TPF  The Petrified Forest
TSG  The Stone Giants
TTS  The Tiny Spring
UHS  An Unrecognizable Heap of Stones
WRB  Walking Through the Remains of a Building
* next to a room means, that walking in that direction brings you to the same room.